Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kabelin's road trip adventure!

Abe standing on the tip of Herod's northern palace on Masada.

I'd like to give the world a coke in perfect harmony...

The Dead Sea is a well known vacation spot for small fuzzy fictional puppets.

Floating in the Dead Sea is like swimming with a life jacket on.

Some giant planter on the sidewalk jumped out and hit my rental car, don't worry the damage looks worse in person.

Renting a camel to take us to China...

Masada fortress with the
Dead Sea in the background


Ben & Marika & the boys said...

We love checking the blog...keep up the great traveling!

Kabe said...

Thanks for commenting! We hope the new house is great! send the fam and email update when u get your stuff unpacked. i'd love to see some pictures! love kait abe

Anonymous said...

Loving your updates! Keep them coming! Safe Travels!

Peggy said...

I have been faithfully following the blog and am so interested to read up on your travels. Sounds wonderful! Be safe.